Make your body your machine.

Monday, May 23, 2011

We made it to the news

Here is the clip from KOMO 4 news in Seattle. They sent a team out on Friday morning to tape the event.

Friday, May 20, 2011

PME Hard with 2-1 CAV

Had an outstanding session this morning. Still working on the video and pics. Here is the list of what we did:

Sam Cooke w/135lb chain
HEMMT Tire Flip and Hop (x3) to Sledge Hammer Tire
Flip the Finger (w/280lb log)
TRX One-legged Burpee
Quad Hops
Perform Better Band Good Mornings
TRX Shoulder Split Raise
30lb Medicine Ball Slam and Sprawl
Battling Rope Jump Rope
TRX Brandon Vera Chest Press Combo
Individual Log Relay (w/200lb log)
55lb Water Bag Deck Squat
Perfect Push up Squat Thrust to Plyo Clap
Battling Rope Crucifix
Steel Log Clean and Press (130lb)
Anaconda Rope Tsunami Wave
Tree Koala-fy
Bungee Jump and Scoot
Terrel Owens Bands Supine Bicycle with Medicine Ball Toss
Perform Better Band Bear Crawl
TRX & Kettle-bell Power Pull and Shoulder Press Combination
Hostage Escape with Monster Bands
Bleacher Bum
Climb to Glory with 55lb Kettle-bell and Bleachers
Crazy Carry w/Monster Band and Oblong Bag
Kettle-bell Slasher Halo
Parachute Sprint
Make a Rock Pile (60-80lb rocks)
Tony Shumacher Dragster Tire Reverse Overhead Toss
Jump Rope

We had a total of 30 stations and even had KOMO 4 News out to film. Along with the Corps PAO, we hope to have this out on pretty many venues.

UPDATE: Here are a few of the pictures from the gauntlet.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Check out this article!

During our last gauntlet, we were fortunate to have SGT Lindsey Kibler from the I Corp's Public Affairs Office to come out and do a story about it. She is also provided the pictures for our last posting, along with another 200 that I have to go through. Here is the link to her story (copy and paste to your browser)

Monday, May 2, 2011

We have moved, but the web address is still the same

It has been a long time since an update. In the absence of postings, the gauntlets have still continued. We've also gotten some new toys. Show cased are a few of the new ones, starting with the most recent. A brand new 135lbs chain. While we have not found all of the uses for it, whipping it like you're trying to get a kink out of a garden hose is a smoker for sure. This exercise is known to us as the "Sam Cooke".

The next new piece of equipment is the Battling Rope Jump Rope. This is an 11' piece of 2" thick rope. Not only does it get your cardio going, moving the rope so it doesn't decapitate you is a great shoulder and back workout.

The final item in this showcase is a tire that came off of the Army sponsored NHRA dragster, also known as "the Sarge". Driven by Tony Schumacher, this tire was used in September 2010 at the Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have several exercises that we like to do, mostly credited from watching workouts from Houston Alexander.