Make your body your machine.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Saturday's Line Up

Well, I learned how to take a keg apart this week. Why is that important? Because now we can fill it with water! Here is the line up for Saturday's workout:
1. Heavy Bag
2. Ground and Pound
3. BJS
4. TO Band Supine Runners with Medball Toss
5. TO Band Runners
6. TRX with Parallettes
7. Suspended Agony
8. Agility Ladder
9. Jump Rope
10. Battling Rope (Tsunami)
11. Iron Chair with 60lb Kettle Bell
12. Turkish Sit Up
13. Keg Clean and Press
14. TRX One Arm Squat Row with Kettle Bell Press
15. Renegade Row


  1. Embrace the pain and be comfortable with discomfort! PME HARD!

  2. DANG!!! You guys rock! I wish I could be there to watch you guys in action. :)

    ~Theresa Rogers
