Make your body your machine.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yes, I'm wearing sweatbands

Well, it's been some time since I've updated, but we have still been at it. I have included group photos from 3 of our workouts. The guys at the fight house have been hooking us up with some great sessions. On top of the grueling workout, we have been getting some good stand-up drilling also. There's nothing like trying to keep your hands up and punch a heavy bag after you have already done a workout.
Now, about the sweatbands. They work. I don't have to worry about sweat running into my eyes. With them on my legs, I get better footing because the floor under me isn't soaked. Many scoff, but it is the best $2 that I have spent this year.

1 comment:

  1. `Good to see the Gauntlet is still alive! Have located a great location on post for PME Hard workouts so if the team ever hits Ft Leavenworth give me call...and yes, Tiemeier you do look like a Fonda wannabe with the sweat bands.

    work out this AM:
    Tabata #1 (atomic p/u, incline s/u, medicine ball up/downs, box jump, deck squats)
    10min row machine - max effort (2320meters)
    Tabata #2 (TRX cage climb, TRX power pull, jump rope, halo slasher, balance ball body roll)

    - Wisham, the Ex XO
