It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the sounds of grunting men permeated the air. It has been a while, but we were finally able to do an outside gauntlet again. We set up 20 stations, many of which we can't do indoors.
1. Supine Knee tuck with TO bands with 16lb med ball toss.
2. Agility cone runs while holding 2 8lb med balls. The cones were set up in a T formation with 15 yards in between cones. We ran forwards, backwards, and left/right latterals.
3. Battling Rope. We parted the waves.
4. Tire Pull. See the video on this post. SGT Bingham demonstrates for us.
5. Fingal Fingers. Our exercise of the week.
6. Steel Log Clean and Press.
7. Jump Rope.
8. Heavy Bag
9. TRX with Parrallets.
10. Box Jump while holding 18lb Kettlebell.
11. Make a Rock Pile. Got to break out the Husefel stones for a change.
12. Agility Ladder. High knee runs.
13. Keg Carry. Bear hug the keg and walk with it.
14. Barbell puts. I don't have a better name for this exercise. Essentially it was taking the equipment from the Barbell destruction exercise, and using in a shot put technique.
15. Sledge Hammer Tire.
16. Tire Flip and Hop.
17. 60lb Kettlebell relay. We walked up the steps, squating with the K-bell at each step and then doing a trap raise. Once you made it to the top, you come down the ramp and start over again.
18. BJS. Doing it on mats spoiled me.
19. Keg toss. We took the 3 kegs that won't hold liquid and Granny-tossed them over the 7' fence.
20. Cage climb, minus the cage. We used a TRX to grab on with our hands.
We did three rotations of 45 sec exercising and 30 secs for transition. Our total time was 75 minutes. It was a good workout.